welcome to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS für update

The final release of Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal is here. With this guide we would you give a step by step instructions for those who want to update it themselves. Whether an update is worth it, everyone has to decide for themselves. For update-willing – especially configure cirrus 7 one Owners will find step-by-step instructions for running the update here.

To configure a reinstallation of cirrus 7 one is superfluous. The standard update routine of Ubuntu works without any issues. The customized fan control via fancontrol of the cirrus7 one will remain after the update. We have also created a quantal repository.


Step 1. Update via update management

Since Precise is an LTS version, the update manager does not explicitly offer the update to Quantal.

To do this, we start by pressing Alt-F2 Alt-F2,  enter update-manager  to Update Management , and then click “Settings ” , go to the “Updates” tab and select from “Notify me about new Ubuntu versions” the option ” for each new version “.











If the upgrade is not already automatically offered, we’ll first click “Review” to update the repositories. After that, the option “New Ubuntu version 12.10 is available” will appear. From here we can start the update process directly:














The upgrade process may take some time, depending on how many packages are installed. Third-party repositories, including the cirrus7 repository , are automatically disabled. The installed packages from our repository – such as Lightcommander, fancontrol-conf, etc. are retained.










During the update process, you will often be asked whether configuration files for the corresponding programs should be retained or overwritten. You have to decide on a case-by-case basis whether you want to overwrite the configuration file or not. If you overwrite the configuration files, a backup copy of the old configuration file will be created in the same directory. You can therefore overwrite the configuration files without hesitation and restore the “older” state if necessary. As the update stops on demand, you should occasionally take a look at the update. In any case, without any user interaction, it does not get by. After the update, you will be prompted to restart – which you also perform.

Step 2. Add a new cirrus7 repository for Quantal

We now delete the old cirrus7 repositories, which were deactivated by the update process anyway, and then get us the updated repositories. To do this, we first start with ALT-F2 and typing gnome-terminal a shell.

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo rm cirrus7-*
sudo wget ubuntu.cirrus7.com/cirrus7-quantal.list

Now we update the package sources.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

If a program has to be updated from the cirrus7 repository, you must confirm the installation from the third-party repository.

Restart your cirrus7 one now. After the restart please check in a terminal if the fan control is working properly:


The number of revolutions of the fan should now be between 550-650rpm. And the temperatures should be displayed for all CPU cores.

If you have questions about the update process, please contact us. Have fun with Quantal!

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