cirrus7 mini-PCs – now also with Linux Mint
Logo by “Clement Lefebvre” licensed under CC BY 3.0 In the past, we have often pre-installed Linux Mint on customer request. Linux Mint is based on the Ubuntu Long Term Support since 2014. One more reason to offer this extremely successful Linux ...
2. October 2015
Participation in the Linux Presentation Day
cirrus7 Computing will be next Linux Presentation Day participate. The event will take place on Saturday, 14th of November from 10am to 5pm at our premises in Hindenburgstr. 95/73728 Esslingen . The contact person for the organization is Felix Engemann ...
16. August 2015
All cirrus7 mini PCs now also with Windows 10
The release of the next Windows operating system is imminent. In addition to the proven Ubuntu Linux , our mini-PCs can now be ordered with Windows 10 ...
26. July 2015
inside cirrus7 nimbini
cirrus7 nimbini office edition Aluminium Heat-Spreader für 6W-10W TDP cirrus7 nimbini business / media edition i3 / i5 Aluminium Heat-Spreader + additional cooling for 15W TDP cirrus7 nimbini media edition i7 Copper heat spreader + 2 additional cooling ...
11. June 2015